Welcome to Year 2
Our Year 2 Team are:
Mrs Harrison
Miss Smith
Miss Atack
Mrs Chappell
Miss Webster
Mrs Sunderland
Miss Wharton
Children will come to school in their PE kit on the days that they have PE. We have a PE uniform that all children are expected to wear on their PE Days. Please help us to encourage your children to follow our uniform rules. Children should not be wearing items of clothing that are visibly branded, they should be plain in colour. Kit can now be purchased via Parent Pay.
Please note that, in line with our school uniform policy, if children do not have their kit/ correct kit for two consecutive lessons, a letter will be sent home and they will miss 10 minutes of their playtime.
Indoor PE: This is on a Monday. Your child will need plain black or navy shorts and a plain white t-shirt. (Children can wear plain black/ navy jogging bottoms over their shorts to keep them warm throughout the school day).
Outdoor PE: This is on a Wednesday. Your child will need to wear trainers, as well as clothing suitable for the weather. This will be plain black or navy tracksuit bottoms or shorts, a plain white t-shirt, and a plain black or navy zip-up top or jumper.
If your child wears earrings which they cannot remove by themselves, they should remove them at home on PE days. Please speak to a member of the Y2 team if this is a problem.
Bookbags are due in on a Monday. Reading records need to be signed and spelling homework must be completed. If your child does not bring their bookbag on this day, their homework will be sent home on a sheet. These will be sent back out on a Tuesday, along with reading books changed.
Unfortunately, if bookbags are late or reading records haven't been signed, we may not be able to change reading books until the following week.
Maths homework will need to be completed by the end of each half term.
Click to see Year 2's Long Term Plan.
If you would like any further information about our curriculum, please speak to a member of the Year 2 team.
It is important that the children know their times tables and division facts. Times tables support and give confidence to the children in lots of other areas of their Maths learning too.
The order the children should learn their facts in is: 10 x, 10 ÷, 2 x, 2 ÷, 5 x, 5 ÷
Children will be tested weekly, and by using a range of vocabulary. Please see examples on Class Dojo.
Don't forget that children can practice by logging into their TT Rockstar accounts (passwords in maths homework books) and by following this link: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button .
We will reward children who know their times tables by giving certificates in Friday's Star Worker assembly, as well as the children moving their aeroplane on our whole class display.
We cannot wait to see how many certificates we give out this term!